Antiwar Era

    Antiwar people are those who are opposed to war in general and they often ask the questions of was the war necessary, how can it be avoided in the future. There are multiple websites out there to allow these voices to be heard such as and These websites include many stories about war that are not typically heard of thanks to the mainstream media. The mainstream media typically doesn't discuss these stories because the mainstream media works with government to bring you news they want you to hear.  Thus, they would not be discussing stories from people who are criticizing the government and value things different from them. 
    Since many people get their news from the mainstream media, I think the government wants to work closely with these companies to ensure that views which criticize the government aren't shared among the nation. If the mainstream media started discussing antiwar views, many people would begin to adopt those views as well and then begin to question the government. Many mainstream media news networks are also left-winged, thus they wouldn't want to be sharing conservative beliefs. 

    These antiwar voices should be heard and shared too because we were given the freedom of speech and the freedom to criticize the government. 
