Invasion of Privacy

Technology has become a vital part of our world today, but it has also brought new ways in which the government, criminals, and predators can spy on us. Our daily use of technology allows these people to keep tabs on what we do through different software and apps that we use on a daily basis. Our privacy is constantly being invaded, yet there are many people who still don't believe this is a major issue or that it even happens. 

Scary enough, many tech companies around the world sell our information to different governments on what its users do on a daily basis. This information is then later sold to data brokers and advertisers and then to third party organizations. These third party organizations could include predators who utilize our information to their benefit. An example of this is when an app called 'Talking Tom' came out. This app was targeted towards kids asa an animated tabby cat that you could talk to, play with, and go on adventures. It was a pretty popular app that many children used, however, not too long after the app came out, there began to be stories about people hacking into the app and being able to talk to the children using it to find out if they were alone and what they were doing. Yes, this specific example may have been debunked, but it wouldn't be surprising if other apps do this. Personally, I find this rather frightening that our information can and is sold so easily. 

After watching these TED talks, I have gained a better understanding of how to protect my  privacy and how people are using technology to negatively invade and control our lives. My family has always been pretty strict when it comes to what information we put on our phones and these TED talks helped prove why. 
